For many, saving cash is an impossible task. They've tried budgeting, jotting
expenses in diaries, reducing indulgences. Nothing works. Their wallets remain
as flat as a Nebraska cornfield prior to planting.
It's time to try a different tack, and the following three-step approach to savings
is one
that can yield success for many people. If you're one of those with problems
growing your savings account, try following these steps.
Step 1: Grow your saving account by earning more
Many people try to save more by spending less
, but can
never quite pull off the task of reducing their cash outflows. Spending is just
half the equation. The other half, of course, is earning. The more money you can
bring in, the less mindful you have to be of pinching every red
It's time to try a different tack, and the following three-step approach to savings
Step 1: Grow your saving account by earning more
Many people try to save more by spending less
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